? ? ? 1、我們通過自身在該領域的專業性,以及多年實踐相結合的經營理念,在充分理解客戶需求的基礎上,提供最完善的指導以及服務。
? ? ? 2、為員工提供一個耕耘收獲,實現自我價值的家。
? ? ? 3、不斷致力于產品的引介、設計、后期保養等環節,從而更好的服務大眾,回饋社會。
? ? ?新菲爾企業是一家專注于地毯、卷材、壁紙、窗簾等生產以及批發的地面材料的公司。公司產品來自歐洲進口,先從品質上打下基礎,以合理的價格求得客戶的最終信賴和品牌的長遠發展。我們擁有一個誠實敬業,極具合作精神的專業團隊,更使我們在產品咨詢、設計、保養等環節上具備高品質服務的實力和基礎。從而,我們與許多知名企業建立了長期穩定的合作關系,項目涉及住宅、體育館、學校、醫院、賓館、娛樂休閑、寫字樓、公共事業機構等。
? ? ?諾娜雅特地毯、迪萊斯彈性地板、歐博萊壁紙、歐菲啦窗簾布藝等等,以雅致、品味、尖端的品牌文化核心為產品目標,以正直、穩重、值得托付的企業文化為服務理念。為您打造賞心悅目的高端空間。
? ? ?Xin Fei Er?is a company focused on carpet, coil, wallpaper, curtains and other production and wholesale ground materials. The company 's products are imported from Europe, laying the foundation on quality, and obtaining the final trust of customers and the long-term development of the brand at a reasonable price. We have an honest and dedicated, very cooperative professional team, but also make us in product consulting, design, maintenance and other aspects of high-quality service strength and foundation. As a result, we have established long-term and stable cooperation with many well-known enterprises, projects involving residential, gymnasium, school, hospital, hotel, entertainment and leisure, office buildings, public institutions, etc.
? Nuo Na Ya?carpet, Di Lai Si?elastic floor, Ou Bo Lai?wallpaper, Ou Fei La?curtain fabric and so on, with elegant, taste, cutting-edge brand culture as the core of the product objectives, to integrity, stability, worthy of trust of corporate culture as the service philosophy. Create a high-end space for you to enjoy.